First i purchased the WebViewGold app template

The I followed the official documentation


To setup Firebase I followed the awesome tut:


  1. Create new project
  2. Step 3: Register Your App

    Click Register app to complete the registration process.

    Step 4: Download GoogleService-Info.plist

    Download this configuration file and replace the placeholder in your WebViewGold project with the downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist file.

    Step 5: Activate Firebase in WebViewGold

    In the Config.swift file, set the kFirebasePushEnabled variable to true to enable Firebase functionalities.

  3. Step 6: Set Up APN and Sign Your App

    Generate an APN key for Firebase, upload it, and then sign your app using the Firebase provisioning profile. For a detailed guide, visit Firebase documentation on iOS certificates.

  4. Declare Your App’s Use of Encryption –> ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption  –> NO